Join the Impact Global Fellowship Network Affiliation
The application process is designed for those who desire to officially affiliate with IGF, as well as for those seeking credentialing.
PLEASE NOTE – Affiliation and credentialing with IGF is not the same as becoming a partner. We invite everyone to become a partner and we greatly appreciate your prayers, financial support, and relational involvement as you become a true source utilized to reach the nations for Jesus. To become an “Impact Partner” just click on the “Donate” button and follow the prompts.
For those desiring official affiliation and or credentialing with IGF, we desire to know you, your lifestyle, and your ministry before we can consider you for this. Therefore, if you desire to affiliate with IGF or if you desire ordination, then please let us know this upon filling out the application through our email address at We will follow-up with an interview process and will also rely on recommendations.
Thank you and welcome to the IGF Family!
Keith Collins

Impact Global Fellowship
Network Benefits
- Networking on a global level with like-minded leaders for ministry opportunities, resources, further development, and apostolic support.
- Prayer covering by the IGF intercession team for you, your ministry or business, & family.
- Visitation & ministry from IGF apostolic leadership when available and practical.
- Consulting, coaching, equipping & mentoring to further your calling and vision.
- Apostolic & pastoral counsel as needed and requested.
- IGF conferences in The United States and other nations.
- Dedicated online training from IGF leadership on a regular basis.
- Opportunity to apply for ordination credentials.
- Special gatherings for leaders designed to refresh, restore, and reinvigorate.
- Endorsement for your ministry and business based on relational connection to IGF leadership.

Our Desire
As a network of leaders founded on a strong relationship model, we desire to get to know you, your family, your ministry, your market place involvement, and the great calling upon your life. Please fill out the following application in order to assist in beginning this exciting process.
Impact Global Fellowship
Application for Network Affiliation
Downloadable Application
Please Note: If you choose to use the physical application, please submit it to us via email at, or you can also print and mail your application to us at GIM, P.O. Box 620084, Charlotte, NC 28262